Overgrown Clean Up
If your yard has got a bit out of control and you need a helping hand to get it back to a manageable level, then we can help you out. We charge per hour for this service, as we can’t always accurately predict how long it will take to get the desired result. For reference to above pictured job took 40 minutes to do the backyard.
Our clean up process has the following steps to get the best results.
Rough edging and slashing work with the whipper snipper to cut down the longer grass.
First pass with the mower to clean up longer grass and give us a base to work from.
Blow out edges and paths so we can see clearer.
Final edging with the whipper snipper to get it looking good.
Blow all debris onto the lawn so mower can pick it up.
Final mower pass to get lawn even and looking great.
Your lawn will not look its best after this service but you will be back in control and regular mowing can commence.